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What is Li-Fi? | How much better than the WiFi? | Li-Fi vs Wi-Fi | TechBuf

A few days ago on the Internet, you may hear about Li-Fi, on various technology websites or newspapers. Now, what is Li-Fi? How can it be better than the WiFi or how to make Li-Fi your internet connection a lot faster? I’m going to discuss this topic in this article. You can also read What is IP address?| What exactly the IPv4 and IPv6 | TechBuf



The full name of Li-Fi is Light-Fidelity. Now it is not possible to understand by the full name of this technology. Let’s talk about it in detail. Professor Harald Haas first discovered Li-Fi technology. In 2011, he released Li-Fi in front of the public. He showed how you could communicate with the help of lights. Then he continued to do more research with this technology, and about one and half years ago he tested the Li-Fi technology. Li-Fi was found to be faster as compared to the WiFi in the test results.

This technology works on VLC-Visible Light Communication. What is this VLC? If you give Constant input to a LED bulb, then you will see the output of Constant. If you make some changes in the information, you will see the change in the output. As soon as you modify the input, you will see the output change as quickly as possible. With this idea, you can create a kind of communication system.



Still did not understand the matter completely? Well, let’s give more examples. Think about the TV remote. An infrared bulb is fitted in front of the TV remote. When you press a particular button on the remote, the light of the fixed stitches is ignited. The sensor on your TV then understands that light and completes its job. Suppose the TV bulb beats twice for the change of the TV channel and when you press the remote to change the channel the bulb will be light twice. And the sensor on the TV will accept it, the TV has already been programmed and after accepting beep light twice the channel has to be changed. L
Hope, now you understand clearly.

Li-Fi Technology something like this. But in Li-Fi Technology there isn’t only one bulb so that you can access data quickly and use it by many users together. VLC is the common medium to manage this technology. This technology allows you to give something special. It will never happen that you will away from the light of the LED bulb and your internet connection will stop. Whenever you move away from one bulb source to another source, this technology will automatically connect with you. We use bulbs in the office or business please, it can convert for use Li-Fi by using one type of driver. With the light coming out, you can use the Internet very fast. This was a general idea about this technology and how it works. Let’s now see the advantages of using this technology.

Li-Fi Facilities

Li-Fi Facilities

  • 1. The first thing to say about the benefits of this technology is that its speed. Using Li-Fi technology you can get the speed up to 100 Gbps. And it has been tested. Moreover, Li-Fi Frequency is more than 10,000 times higher than WiFi.


  • 2. Moreover, the Li-Fi frequency is much higher than the WiFi, it has the ability to control many users simultaneously. This means that even if the user grows, they can not face any connection error between them. If we talk about WiFi, then you can see that if a user uses more bandwidth, then the connection to another user will be slow and later. But this technology will not do this.


  • 3. The signal that is wifi or wireless can penetrate your wall. As a result, when you use WiFi, your neighbors also receive signals. And since Li-Fi is in light technology, the signal is not likely to go anywhere through the wall of your house. Because we know that light can not penetrate the dense objects. So you sit in the house and use the internet with this technology and nobody will have the power to detect your signal.

Shushanta Kumar

Founder and CEO of TechBuf blog, also a regular TechBuf contributor. I'm a pretty skilled writer. Try to increase Tech related content.

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